Bows for Sale – Update
To update everyone on our sale of Bows to fund our equipment scholarship fund, We have done quite well and are now down to just 3 bows left. We have…
Bows For Sale
Okay folks, Ore Creek Archery Club has 7 Rolen Dakota right-handed re-curve bows for sale. The Specs for these bows are: Blue resin riser with wood laminate limbs. AMO 62″…

Ore Creek member Wins MSU shoot
Lori just sent me a text saying that one of our members shot at an MSU event and won. Way to go!

Archery is one of the fastest growing sports in the US
Did you know Archery is one of the fastest growing sports in the US? Our program grew 22% in one year. We would LOVE to have it continue to grow…